Personalized Ribbon Ideas to Make Your Quinceanera or Sweet Sixteen Special

Personalized Ribbon Ideas to Make Your Quinceanera or Sweet Sixteen Special


One of the best things about planning a Quinceanera or Sweet Sixteen party is coming up with great ideas to make your party special. You want guests to remember your special day. By providing your guests with personalized favors, you can leave them with a lasting impression of your big day.

One great idea that you can borrow for your big party is use personalized favors that use words that are special to you. For example, you can add a poem or the lyrics of songs that will play during your big day to party favor bags.

Roll the poems up into scroll and tuck them inside organza party favor bags. You can do the same thing with meaningful quotes that have helped you become the young woman that you are today.

To make the favors extra special, you can add a different message to each bag. Finish the favor by adding a cute ribbon that has the guest’s name on it. You can also use ribbon that has your name and the date of your big party. By taking a few minutes to acknowledge your friends and family, you can make them feel extra special on your own special day.